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Discover NaberHub

Connect with neighbors, find local deals, explore nearby businesses, and join community events. Start engaging with your community today!

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Local Connections

Discover Deals

Community Events

Your Neighborhood, Connected

NaberHub is designed to bring your neighborhood together. It provides a platform for neighbors to communicate, share local news, and foster a sense of community.


What We Offer

Discover local businesses, services, and events in your neighborhood with ease. NaberHub offers a seamless experience for connecting with your community and exploring all that it has to offer.

NaberHub Local

Local Business Showcase

Showcase your local business to the neighborhood and reach potential customers through NaberHub's dedicated business promotion features.

NaberHub for Business

Event Management

Create, manage, and promote local events within your neighborhood, and invite neighbors to participate and engage in community activities.

NaberHub Connect

Neighborhood Newsfeed

Stay updated with the latest neighborhood news, announcements, and discussions through NaberHub's dynamic newsfeed feature.

NaberHub App

Seamless Connectivity

Enjoy seamless connectivity with neighbors, local businesses, and community organizers through NaberHub's user-friendly interface and communication tools.

Empower Your Neighborhood

NaberHub is a comprehensive toolkit designed to empower neighborhoods and enhance local connections. It provides the tools and resources necessary for community growth and engagement.


Local Business


Trusted by over 20 Neighborhoods

NaberHub is trusted by neighborhoods across the globe to facilitate meaningful connections, support local businesses, and promote community engagement.

Bayview Village

Distillery District


Bloordale Village

Little Italy

Kensington Market

What Our Members Say

“NaberHub has transformed how our neighborhood interacts and stays connected. It's a game-changer for fostering a sense of community and supporting local initiatives.”

Deena Levies,
Midtown Resident

“NaberHub has been instrumental in discovering local businesses and deals. It's a fantastic platform for exploring what our neighborhood has to offer.”

Tom Smithenson, Downtown Resident

“NaberHub has made it effortless to stay updated with community events and news. It's an indispensable tool for staying engaged with our neighborhood.”

Tilly Green,
Uptown Resident

Are you a business?

We understand that running a business is tough. That’s why we created NaberHub to make things easier for business owners. Our platform allows businesses to create a profile and reach out to potential customers directly. With the ability to create effective promotions, businesses can increase their visibility and boost their sales. Whether you’re just starting out or looking to increase your customer base, NaberHub is the perfect tool to help you grow.

Contact Us
Lucky to have you!
Promote your business on NaberHub

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Discover NaberHub, your all-in-one neighborhood app! Connect with neighbors, find local deals, explore nearby businesses, and join community events. Start engaging with your community today!

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